Whether you describe it as having a buttery taste or a nutty flavour there is no other fruit like it, and if you didn’t know, the avocado is officially classed as a berry from the fruit family. This healthy fruit is packed with good fats, both Monounsaturated & Polyunsaturated fats. You will also find these fats in plants and certain types of seeds like sunflower seeds, flax seeds and different varieties of nuts like pine nuts and walnuts. These types of fats are also present in sunflower oil, sesame olive and corn oil as well as salmon, mackerel, sardines etc. Avocados are also packed with good protein, so the body absorbs a high percentage of this in digestion. They are also rich in vitamins, copper and fibre.
If you are a conscious at baking you can become healthier in production if you can substitute butter with avocado as it is lower in saturated fats and is also classed as a super food.
The Hass Avocado Board have printed studies that show avocado has twice the amount of potassium when compared to bananas and the best way to ripen them if you didn’t already know is to place these two fruits together, or even leave the avocado near apples as they release a natural gas which is a naturally occurring plant hormone called Ethylene.
When it comes to its nutritional values this fruit has many different uses but you can also use it externally. For example the avocado can be used as a hair dressing, to give hair a healthy glow, (if only I had known of this sooner, hey but I still may try it anyway).
Blend one avocado, and then mix it with one or two whole eggs and honey to bind until you get a thick paste consistency. Then apply to hair, but remember to wash the hair before you leave the house. It could also be used to make facial creams, hand lotions and fine soaps. As a moisturiser just take the avocado as it is, remove the outer and the seed from the centre, then blend it and apply to the skin. If you have dry skin, cover the affected area and leave for 10 minutes or so to rehydrate and then wash or shower it off. If you ever get sunburnt and don’t have any after sun or Aloe Vera hanging about, then whilst on your shopping trip to the supermarket pick a few up, prepare and apply as above.
Models are well known to use the avocado on the face and around the eyes as this helps to reduce wrinkles, as they are also packed full of antioxidants and amino acids. The avocado is the perfect anti-aging cream and 100% natural.
The pulp of the fruit once processed and separated from its oils can still be used as a food source and will still hold its nutritional values. So it’s fair to say the avocado is a stand out fruit, as it compliments well to savoury foods. Further on I will give you some recipe ideas on how to use avocados but before I do this I need to tell you of their origin.
These days the avocado is grown all over the world and started its journey in Mexico, then cultivated from Rio Grande, Colorado and its first registration dated back to 1696.Throughout its life it has made its way through the Philippines, it has also passed through the East Indies, Mauritius, Singapore, India, Hawaii, and by 1910 it finally landed in Florida, USA. Nowadays you can also find it in other countries from the Caribbean to New Zealand and from Madagascar to South Africa, Algeria, Spain, Sicily, Crete, Israel, Egypt and South France.
We are led to believe here in the UK, that there are only two or three types of avocado in variation; however my research led me to find out that not only do the different varieties have their own names, like Butler, Trapp and Dickinson, but there are at least thirty more types available.
As promised here are some recipes for you;
The green smoothie.
With just 1 ripe avocado, 1 frozen banana, 1 cup of oat milk or a suitable substitute, 100g of cooked spinach or kale. Blend all ingredients together, then add the banana and don’t forget to taste it. If you need to sweeten it add half a tea spoon of Agave syrup.
The brunch.
This is a super-quick thing to make and ideal if you slept in and missed breakfast.
Serves 1
Grab 2-3 eggs from the fridge and set to one side, then take a pan and half fill it with water or just enough liquid to cover the eggs, and bring to the boil. Cut 2 slices of Rye bread (or if coeliac use gluten free bread), then take a small mixing bowl and grab 1 avocado, remove the nut and the outer shell, and if not sure how to do this just take a quick look on YouTube. Smash it up with the back of a fork or small whisk, add ¼ chopped red chilli, squeeze ½ lime, ½ tea spoon fresh coriander and mix well then set aside.
Once the water has boiled, add approximately 100mls of white wine vinegar as this aids the coagulation of the egg white, poach for 2½ minutes then drain, remove from the water and onto a tray with a jays cloth or paper towel to catch the excess liquid.
Make sure your toast is warm before you put the avocado on, then place the poached eggs on top and season the top with rock salt and cracked black pepper.
For a bit more fun add a small salad of wild rocket and if you can eat nuts then add some lightly toasted almonds or pine nuts and serve with a splurt of natural yoghurt to the plate. Your brunch is served!